Home Product Tag Steinfels SOLD Steinfels Soap 1925 Benzit soap flakes 1928 SOLD Steinfels Soap 1933 SOLD Steinfels soap 1933 SOLD Steinfels soap 1933 Collect Steinfels images 1935 Collect Steinfels images 1938 Steinfels Washing Soda 1939 White laundry with Steinfels soap 1939 White laundry with Steinfels soap 1942 Zephyr Soap 1943 The best White with Steinfels soap 1943 Steinfels Soap – strong performance 1943 Steinfels Soap – strong performance 1943 Steinfels Soap 1943 Steinfels Soap – strong performance 1944 Steinfels Soap 1948 Floris 1949 Steinfels Floris – flower-scented laundry care 1950 More