Shooting Competition Schattdorf 1920, Heinrich Danioth
Shooting Competition Schattdorf 1920, Heinrich Danioth Enlarge

Shooting Competition Schattdorf 1920

Artist: Heinrich Danioth
Year: 1920
Size: 122 x 83.5 cm / 48 x 32.9″
Price: CHF450

Artist: Heinrich Danioth

Heinrich Danioth was born in 1896 in Altdorf. During his apprenticeship as a painter, he took evening courses in figure drawing. After the outbreak of war he was forced to work in an office. Later, after a long stay in a sanatorium, he lived in Rome for two years. In 1925 he took a master class at the Landesakademie Karlsruhe. In 1931 he settled down in Flüelen and worked as a painter of stained-glass windows, mu... more

Heinrich Danioth was born in 1896 in Altdorf. During his apprenticeship as a painter, he took evening courses in figure drawing. After the outbreak of war he ...

was forced to work in an office. Later, after a long stay in a sanatorium, he lived in Rome for two years. In 1925 he took a master class at the Landesakademie Karlsruhe. In 1931 he settled down in Flüelen and worked as a painter of stained-glass windows, mu... more

Poster details

CHF 450.00Order

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