Vierwaldstättersee - Lake Lucerne

In the 19th century, shipping on Lake Lucerne was important for the emerging tourism industry. In 1837, the first steamship was inaugurated and in 1869, the „Vereinigte Dampfschiffgesellschaft des Vierwaldstättersees” was founded, which owned ten steamboats. Seven more ships were built to promote tourist adventure trips. The last of these was the “Stadt Luzern”, which was launched in 1928. Since 2018, the proud steamship with unique Art Deco elements reminiscent of an ocean liner has been undergoing restoration for several million Swiss francs, and the interior design will be more authentic than before the restoration, which is scheduled to be completed in 2021.

In the 19th century, shipping on Lake Lucerne was important for the emerging tourism industry. In 1837, the first steamship was inaugurated and in 1869, the „Vereinigte Dam ...
pfschiffgesellschaft des Vierwaldstättersees” was founded, which owned ten steamboats. Seven more ships were built to promote tourist adventure trips. The last of these was the “Stadt Luzern”, which was launched in 1928. Since 2018, the proud steamship with unique Art Deco elements reminiscent of an ocean liner has been undergoing restoration for several million Swiss francs, and the interior design will be more authentic than before the restoration, which is scheduled to be completed in 2021.