Triumph International

Triumph started as a corsetry factory in Germany in 1886. The trademark Triumph was registered in 1902. In the 1920s, the first versions of a bra were introduced and by the 1930s, Triumph was Europe’s biggest corsetry manufacturer. In 1933, their first foreign subsidiary was opened in Bad Zurzach, Switzerland, where the headquarters are located today. The trademark was extended to Triumph International in 1953 and the company started expanding across Europe and internationally. Today, Triumph is a multi-national company producing underwear and swimwear.

Triumph started as a corsetry factory in Germany in 1886. The trademark Triumph was registered in 1902. In the 1920s, the first versions of a bra were introduced and by the 1 ...
930s, Triumph was Europe’s biggest corsetry manufacturer. In 1933, their first foreign subsidiary was opened in Bad Zurzach, Switzerland, where the headquarters are located today. The trademark was extended to Triumph International in 1953 and the company started expanding across Europe and internationally. Today, Triumph is a multi-national company producing underwear and swimwear.