Hugentobler, Iwan Edwin (1886-1972)

Horse Race Bad Ragaz, Iwan Edwin Hugentobler
Competition of Equestian Sports Burgdorf, Iwan Edwin Hugentobler
Horse Race Basel, Iwan Edwin Hugentobler
Sissach Horse Race, Iwan Edwin Hugentobler
Berne, Horse Racing 1932, Iwan Edwin Hugentobler
Brugg – Horse races 1934, Iwan Edwin Hugentobler
Concours hippique – Horse race Liestal, Iwan Edwin Hugentobler
Bienne – Horse Race, Iwan Edwin Hugentobler
Concours hippique – horce race Olten, Iwan Edwin Hugentobler
Competition of Equestian Sports Thun, Iwan Edwin Hugentobler
Concours Hippique – Horse race Amriswil, Iwan Edwin Hugentobler
Rossli cigars, Iwan Edwin Hugentobler
Competition of Equestian Sports Thun, Iwan Edwin Hugentobler
Horse Show – Zurich, Iwan Edwin Hugentobler
Concours hippique – Horse race St. Gallen, Iwan Edwin Hugentobler
Concours hippique – Horse race St. Gallen, Iwan Edwin Hugentobler
National Horse Show – Thun, Iwan Edwin Hugentobler
Swiss Federal Railways – fast and secure transport, Iwan Edwin Hugentobler
Competition of Equestian Sports Zurich, Iwan Edwin Hugentobler
Thun Concours Hippique, Iwan Edwin Hugentobler