Siegfried Odermatt

Siegfried Odermatt was born 1926 in Neuheim/Zoug, works and lives in Zurich/Switzerland

He worked a short time for an industrial graphic designer, three years as freelance assistant for Hans Falk, the famous Swiss painter and another three years as a graphic designer in an advertising agency. In 1968 he opened his own graphic studio.

O&T – a mark of excellence as Albert Schwarz once wrote in the foreword to their book – Odermatt & Tissi Graphic Design. Their Zurich based graphic studio is shared by Sigfried Odermatt and Rosmarie Tissi since 1968 in the very heart of Zurich, with a beautiful view of the Zurich river Limmat.
Siegried Odermatt is a self-taught, a natural talent and visiting him in their atelier, one immediately sees that he feels at home.

He his member of the AGI (Alliance Graphique International) since 1974 and won lots of prizes at Poster Biennela in USA, Poland, Finnland, Japan, Germany and exposed his posters in various exhibitions from 1966 to 1992 in New York, Germany and in Switzerland.

Posters by Siegfried Odermatt