International rowing championship in Zürich Switzerland
Artist: Artist unknown
Year: 1957
Size: 128 x 90 cm / 50.4 x 35.4″
About this poster
This Ruder- Regatta Zurich poster is a classic example of 1950’s poster design. The elegantly designed background and the energy in the wind blown flags sum up the feel of the competition extremely well.
Poster details
- Poster No.: 48
- Artist:
- Company: Zürcher Regattaverein, Zürich, CH
- Printer: Gebr. Fretz AG, Zürich
- Country:
- Size: 128 x 90 cm / 50.4 x 35.4″
- Printing technique:Lithograph in colours
- Condition:
Reasonably fair condition. Picture preserved. Wrinkles and tears possible. - Category:
- Style:
- Keywords:
- Price:
CHF 440.00Order